Privacy Policy

This blog's main purpose

The main reason for this blog is to have our family and friends be updated with the latest information about Oli. That is it. We have no other hidden agendas to make money or use this for any commercial purposes. Google Ads are placed throughout the site because we do appreciate any dollar amounts we could potentially make from it. However, there are no forms of advertising or branding media that takes place to enhance the presence of this blog. So if you enjoy and love it, then we are giddle and thrilled. But really, it was created for our own personal note taking of our lives.

Therefore ...

We do not solicit nor care about your email addresses or personal information. You do not have to worry about our intentions of gathering your email addresses and selling it or giving it to others.

Cookies and such

Cookies and such might run your IP addresses or gather information. However, as mentioned, we do not purposely handle any part of this because we merely don't care about them.

So please feel free to read or make comments, but rest assured that this blog is not for commercial use of any sort or of gathering private or public information.

Thank you!


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