As usual, Bungy woke up a lot earlier than we wished, but it wasn't really bad since I had to get up early anyway. Aunty Joy is visiting from Ohio with Jun. She's been here in California since Sunday, but came to stay with me on Wednesday. Oh, Ann Ann has also been with her since Wednesday. So the three of them have slept in our small house and our small living her for about 3 nights. Today I had to take her back to Uncle Og so that they could go to church.
I had to leave Bungy behind, which was sad, but also felt as though I needed the break. Plus, we couldn't really fit him into our little Audi. There was absolutely no room after we jam packed the car with everyone's things.
Owen says Bungy was pointing at the box of fish crackers on top of the corner kitchen counter and jibber jabbering to get it (in his own baby language of course). Owen didn't want to give him any, because we feel as though he eats it too much and may not actually be good for him. So he just stood there, looking down at the floor, with a pouty little face. Owen says he stood there for about five minutes. Owen was on Skype with his mom, who saw the whole thing and laughed really hard (love the way she laughs).
After I got home, Owen and I took a quick nap, while Bungy sat and watched Sesame street. Well, I meant to only leave him there for about 15 minutes. I think it was a lot longer than I expected though.
At about 4 o'clock pm (PST) Owen sat outside with the little baby and had a fun picture moment (like they usually do). Here are some of his awesome shots:
Whatcha lookin for? |
Talking to his new beach toy |
Taking a 5 second nap... Sike! |
Awesome profile! |
At about
about 5:45 pm I finally got my butt off of my computer chair and decided to spend at least part of the day outside of the house. So the 3 of us walked into town and grabbed 3 slices of pizza from Pizza lounge. We sat and ate our pizzas on the grass right behind the Main Beach toy store. Bungy had so much fun!
After about 45 minutes, we thought we would take the tram back up the hill to the natural yogurt shop. We waited about 5 minutes and realized there was probably no way we would be able to fit into the tram without being completely crammed. Plus, having to travel with the stroller in a crammed tram seemed more uncomfortable than fun. So we decided to walk. Plus, walking was going to be good for us, especially since we just had some fatty pizza.
Yogurt didn't seem as enjoyable as normal. It was a bit chilly outside and I was just not feeling it with such a full stomach. We all had our sweaters on including Bungy with his new lifeguard sweater that Tory (Ate Ching's boyfriend) gave him.
Sporting his new Lifeguard Sweatshirt! |
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